Savings And Investments

Shopping around for the right savings product can really save you money.

Money for Nothing?

Whether you’re saving for that classic sports car, the one with the soft top that you picture yourself in cruising down a country lane with the wind blowing in your hair. Or you simply need to put aside some money for a child’s education fund, I recognise that all of my clients savings goals are different and can offer options that will help you attain your personal dreams.

Perhaps money for nothing is a stretch too far, but by making the right savings choices you can really make your money start to work for you.

If you have an excess amount of cash, perhaps from a bonus or inheritance, do you know how to maximise it? I could have a guess at what motor vehicle you’d buy – but what savings vehicle would you choose? How do you know which one is right for you?

knowing which option is right means answering some questions first:

How much are you looking to save?

How quickly do you need to access the money?

What savings features and facilities do you need?

What accumulated debts need to be compared against the likely interest earnings?

How is the interest calculated?

Were can I find the most tax efficient savings account?

The value of your investment can go down as well as up and you may not get back the full amount invested.

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